Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lodge Style Interior Decorating

Lodge style interior decoration, also called rustic or Adirondack style, encourages a strong sense of time in a summer camp on a lake or a walk taken on a wild path output. Recently, many families move to this type in that elusive feeling of nature are brought into their home. Lodge style interior would the ultimate eco-experience for many people seems to be recreating the natural ambience of a nature camp one of the goals.

However, in order Understand nature and in an artificial re-establishment of the anger may be full, be a clear objective seems to be the first step in this direction. Just trying to make visible the natural elements and to develop a clear approach to the first step in this direction. The attempt to develop with this design work to other institution is a brilliant idea.

Pay attention to an issue as the first real step, he could work as a dose of inspiration for the creation of accessories. An artificial> Wallpaper border is a starting point, and that can later re-amended for a better, new decorative scheme. Probably the most important factor that affects the look and feel of a log cabin is the choice of a compatible color palette. Nature has a range of colors, excesses dark green and brown tones, gentle colors of golden grass and blues and passionate splashes of brilliant reds are part of nature. Probably the nature of its own color, green is the compatible color and no color canbring in the way these colors! Green is free, any other color, and the whole room is attractive with green. However, always decorated with neutral or soft colors, matched with soft cream Ming gray or green with light yellow is always coupled to monitor treatment. Surrounded by a cool mountain side river border scene with green trees, blue-gray sky and valley, is an excellent theme for a marriage of blues and greens.

The appearance of the wood is extremelyimportant, a mixture of natural and unpainted wood planks and pieces are often the best suited for this purpose. Furniture crafts style combines the best in cabins cabin because of the straight lines and shapes. The attempt to furniture that is rustic to find a better idea, feeling that log again. It is better to have a minimal detail in the larger pieces, but look like from surfaces could be well worn. Old suitcases could serve as a good cup of coffee or side tables. They also serve as a dual --Advantages of the surfaces of the storage and display.

All natural materials such as old blankets, vintage tablecloths or colorful may be used as window toppers pillowcases. Fishing and fishing trophies in bargain sales can be used as wall art or hanging in shop windows, these activities also have a strong conversation with the owner. Old pictures with frame is a nice wall art, and the texture of this framework can the focus of a log cabin. Ceramics, if any, mayare always mixed with books and flower vases.

Be arranged symmetrically Family trophies and memorabilia framed with photos in all-wood frame. Bamboo baskets and art, as, of course, hanging look, and gives the feeling that one might add in a forest. Wall Scones depth to each cabin, and also help create a strong gravity. Log buildings add variety and spice of life, strong memories of nature will always be remembered and new in a peaceful, quiet way. There is noWonder that more and more urban-weary people seek comfort of a lodge cabin, looking for comfort, often lacking in their lives.

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